Crawford Architects Joins The Green Sports Alliance

Crawford Architects Joins The Green Sports Alliance
Kansas City, April 25, 2022:Crawford Architects announces an official corporate partnership with the Green Sports Alliance (GSA), an environmentally and socially focused nonprofit organization that convenes stakeholders from around the sporting world to promote healthy, sustainable communities. This partnership continues Crawford’s dedication to providing environmentally conscious design through sustainability, recycling, and carbon neutrality.Crawford believes the advancement of sustainable communities starts at the heart of the design process. The new partnership supports both Crawford’s sustainable design efforts and GSA’s mission to use the influence of sports to promote sustainable practices across the globe. The organization’s members include over 300 professional sports leagues, sports governing bodies, colleges, teams, and venues representing millions of fans.
“The Green Sports Alliance is passionate about protecting the future of our pastimes,” said David Murphy, Crawford Architect Co-Owner and Senior Principal. “Crawford is proud to be partnered with GSA and supports their dedication to the preservation of sports, venues, and the communities they serve. We look forward to collaborating with GSA and its fellow members to continue to learn and create meaningful change towards sustainability in the design of sports facilities of the future.”
Crawford Architects has a successful track record in incorporating sustainable design approaches that respond to the local context and climate of several of our projects as highlighted by our involvement in the University of California Merced, 2020 Project, recognized as the first public research university in the country to achieve carbon neutrality, two years ahead of its goal.About Crawford Architects: Crawford Architects is an award-winning international planning, architecture, and interior design firm headquartered in Kansas City, with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Honolulu and Sydney. As a professional services firm, Crawford Architects specializes in all aspects of the planning and design of stadiums, arenas, athletic training centers, sports medicine facilities, entertainment venues, lifestyle & workplace facilities, and the mixed-use developments which accompany these projects. Learn more at Green Sports Alliance: The Green Sports Alliance leverages the cultural and market influence of sports to promote healthy, sustainable communities where people live and play. The GSA inspires professional sports leagues, sports governing bodies, colleges, teams, venues, their partners, and millions of fans to embrace renewable energy, healthy food, recycling, water efficiency, safer chemicals, and other environmentally preferable practices. Visit greensportsalliance.orgCONTACT:Crawford Architects1801 McGee Street Suite 200Kansas City, MO 64108Dakota Miller