Mariners Become First Sports Team to be Granted e-Stewards® Enterprise Designation
The environmental non-profit Basel Action Network (BAN) has commended the Seattle Mariners’ efforts to responsibly recycle electronics, awarding the team the designation of an e-Stewards® Enterprise. The program – under which the Mariners pledge to use e-Stewards certified electronics recyclers when possible – is another facet of the Major League Baseball team’s commitment to responsible waste disposal. The team currently has a landfill waste diversion rate of over 90 percent, and has twice been named the American League recycling champs.
“Through our comprehensive sustainability policy, the Mariners work to reduce our impact on the environment,” said Scott Jenkins, the Mariners’ Vice President of Ballpark Operations, after the announcement.
“This pledge is something we can do to ensure that the recyclers we work with are responsibly handling the waste we turn over to them.”
Read the full article here. (
More on responsible e-waste management in sports:
Home of Super Bowl XLVIII Sets Eyes on Green – Fans Can Too!
St. Louis Rams Celebrate 2013 Green Week Green Sports Alliance E-waste Collection Playbook helps members plan and host e-waste collection drives.
Click here to check out a preview of the playbook.
More on the Mariners:
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