Henly Among New Yorkers Honored by EPA
On April 24, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented 25 individuals and organizations from New York with Environmental Champion Awards at a ceremony in Manhattan. Among those honored at the ceremony was Alice Henly, an urban resource specialist with Green Sports Alliance founding partner Natural Resources Defense Council. Henly was selected for the award for her authorship of the NRDC’s Greening Advisor for Collegiate Sports, a free online guide that provides colleges and universities with comprehensive information about implementing environmental initiatives at collegiate athletic and recreation departments.

The Environmental Champion Award honors individuals and organizations for their achievements in protecting the environment and public health. Other individuals and groups such as the Brooklyn Grange Farm, Onondaga Lake Conservation Corps, and Dr. Perry Sheffield of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine joined Henly in receiving the award. “The EPA is thrilled to honor the work of these environmental trailblazers,” EPA Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck said at the award ceremony. “These New Yorkers work tirelessly to protect human health and the environment, inspiring us all to strive for a more sustainable future.”Read the full article here.