Green Sports Alliance leads GADOS volunteers at Houston’s Yes Prep Northside
August 3, 2016
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USGBCBy Josh Lasky
Houston's Yes Prep Northside charter school was the first Green Apple Day of Service flagship project for 2016.As we gear up to celebrate the 2016 Green Apple Day of Service on Sept. 24, let’s take some inspiration from the communities who have come together to make a difference in their schools thus far.
The first Green Apple Day of Service flagship project of the year took place this past June, in conjunction with the 2016 Green Sports Alliance Summit, one of the largest gatherings for the sports community aimed at improving the environmental performance of large public spaces. The Green Sports Alliance teamed up with Connor Sports and partners HOK, Excel Dryer and USGBC Texas for a school makeover project at Yes Prep Northside charter high school in Houston, Texas."It's important that we engage with the communities where we host the Summit each year and make a positive impact," said Justin Zeulner, Green Sports Alliance executive director. "The collaboration between the organizations involved in this year's Green Apple Day of Service truly exemplified 'The Power of Partnerships' theme for this year's Summit."Video shared via Instagram: Enjoy this video by @flolinemedia of our Green Apple Day of Service at @ns_pride! And special thanks to our sponsors @connorsports @hoknetwork @usgbc @drivemg #xlerator #GreenSports #GreenAppleDayMore than 50 volunteers constructed raised-bed planters and made improvements to schoolyard green spaces for Yes Prep’s Garden Club. The project also included upgrades to the school’s physical education storage and weight training facilities in support of student health and wellness.“We’re incredibly proud of the team that came together to improve Yes Prep’s school grounds and physical education facilities,” said Anisa Baldwin Metzger, school district sustainability manager of the Center for Green Schools at USGBC. “Projects like this are providing much-needed transformation of school facilities while advancing a culture of sustainability and health for our children.”Learn more about Green Apple Day of Service