Green Sports Alliance Featured on Bloomberg TV's Sportfolio
Yesterday, Bloomberg TV's “Sportfolio,” the only weekly sports business show on broadcast TV, discussed the history and future of "green sports" with prominent athletes, owners, and industry leaders - featuring the work of the Green Sports Alliance.Host Rick Horrow sat down with former New York Rangers goaltender Mike Richter, founding partner in several environmental funding and consulting groups and a featured speaker at the 2013 Green Sports Alliance Summit in New York. In addition, Horrow interviewed Christina Weiss Lurie, a pioneer in green sports initiatives as an owner of the Philadelphia Eagles; Rita Benson Leblanc, owner of the New Orleans Saints and Pelicans, whose branding of the New Orleans NBA franchise is centered around the state's commitment to coastal preservation and sustainability; and Scott Jenkins, VP of Ballpark Operations for the Seattle Mariners and Chairman of the Green Sports Alliance, and Martin Tull, Executive Director of the Green Sports Alliance.