FIFA Forward Fosters More Green and Sustainable Football Infrastructures Worldwide
- From 9 to 10 December 2019, a two-day FIFA Forward Green building and sustainable workshop took place at FIFA Headquarters
- Sustainable construction best practices were shared to build green and eco-friendly sports infrastructures responding to the most recent international standards
- How to implement sustainable technical centres, community pitches and headquarters were subjects more specifically shared with the participants
In order to avoid impacting the social, economic and ecological processes related to human equity, diversity, and the functionality of natural systems and environment, FIFA has taken the initiative to support its 211 MAs to build highly innovative and long-lasting sustainable sport infrastructures. To emphasise this necessary direction, a two-day workshop took place at the Home of FIFA in Zurich from 9 to 10 December 2019, gathering high level experts representing many different regions of the world (Africa, Asia, Central America and Europe) who provided insightful presentations, and several FIFA specialists in connection with the different topics.Representatives of the international sports organisation such as the member associations division, tournament infrastructures, sustainability and diversity, high performance programme, football research and standards, and lastly, procurement, were also attending the workshop to support the participants and share their knowledge on the different modules highlighted. In addition, essential tools that can be used to complete the tender processes and will help the participants to develop their future pilot projects were also shared.