It Takes a Team to Win: Using Composting Infrastructure to Achieve Zero Waste Webinar
Original Event Description
In cities like Seattle and Minneapolis, professional sports and collegiate venues were able to work with burgeoning municipal compost infrastructure to build their zero waste programs and achieve high food waste diversion rates. However, in other municipalities, these venues have had to develop that infrastructure within their own footprint or with partners. Join us to hear about how Penn State’s Beaver Stadium, Pocono Raceway, and Mercedes-Benz Stadium were able to develop zero waste initiatives as well as the compost infrastructure needed to make them a success. We will discuss these case studies and more during our March 25th webinar developed by NatureWorks! Speakers: Moderator: Garrett Wong | Member Services Manager, Green Sports Alliance Doug Kunnemann | Business Development Leader, NatureWorks Dr. Judd Michael | Professor, Dept of Agriculture & Biological Engineering, Penn State University [caption id="attachment_17324" align="aligncenter" width="492"]
(From left to right: Garrett Wong, Doug Kunnemann, Judd Michael)[/caption]